Change Your Thoughts Change Your Reality

About 2 years ago my Tarot cards revealed that I was in a negative, self-sabotaging pattern of overthinking, catastrophising and victim mentality

Thank you 8, 9 + 10 of Swords ⚔️ aka ALL the Gemini cards for helping me to see what I couldn’t see myself!@

It took a while for me to get the message (too busy over-thinking, catastrophising and playing the victim!) but if nothing else Tarot is consistent and persistent and eventually the penny dropped that I was, in many ways, the mistress of my own misery ☹️

By paying attention to my thoughts I learned to interrupt the old narratives and replace them with a set of beliefs that aligned with the vision I had of and for myself.

That vision is now my beautiful new reality.

It didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t easy, especially at first but it was SO worth it.

Even a few short months ago I couldn't have imagined how much freedom, spaciousness and possibility was coming my way, but by being as consistent and persistent as my Tarot cards were back in 2021 and committing to change I've created a very different life.

I celebrate myself every day for making different choices, for choosing to let go of fear and self-doubt and for radically choosing myself for the first time in my 53 years!

If I can do it, so can you.

If you need some help seeing your own self-sabotaging patterns my 25 and 50 minute Tarot Readings can help. Book today and let me help you find the clarity and fresh perspective you need to make lasting, positive change in your life.


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