Going Back To My Roots🧘🏼‍♀️

After a much needed 2 year break from teaching Yoga it feels so good to be back...like coming home to a part of myself I feared was lost.

Yoga was my gateway to the deeply spiritual path I'm now on. 

It came along in my late 30's when my seemingly happy life was beginning to unravel.  It held me through many dark days, has been the source of immense joy and transformation and brought so many incredible people and experiences into my life.

I decided to roll up my mat for the last time in 2021.  I needed time to heal after the Big 3 - death of a parent, divorce and moving home. And COVID. 

Teaching Yoga requires a presence and authenticity I could no longer attain and I'd picked up a knee injury that wouldn't go away, so I accepted what I perceived to be my fate and mourned the loss of a career and identity I had loved, chrised and thrived within.

Some dear friends kept the door ajar for me to return, despite my insistence otherwise. Some gently nudged me towards the door many times. Others were more vocal.  And finally about 2 weeks ago I was shoved through the door very firmly by some conspiratorial friends who had been plotting my return! Proof that we don't always know what's best for us!

I'll admit a yearning had set in to don my leggings once more and it was a blissful feeling to teach my first class again last Saturday. I was worried I'd lost the knack but as soon as the class began it all that I once was flowed through me as if I'd never been away. It was pure magick! 

My classes will be a blend of all the things I love…creative flows for all abilities, Yogic and spiritual philosophy, astrology, Tarot, embodied wisdom and of course a killer playlist.  

And on the subject of playlists, to make this week even more special, Stevie Nicks, icon of icons, looked at an Instagram story I'd tagged her in. My life goals are now complete!!

If you're in the Surrey/SW London area and would like to hear more about where and when I'm teaching drop me a line or follow me on social media, the links are at the bottom of the page.

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