New Karma Unfolding with the SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

The last time I wrote to you was back in March, just before the first eclipse season of the year and BOY did it stop me in my tracks.

Like so many of us I went through a deep purge for most of April. I spent 10 days in bed feeling like sh*t and had to massively scale back on work until mid May.

It was a really tough time but it gave me the space I needed to re-evaluate where I placed my time, energy and focus and how to create a work/life balance that would be sustainable, fulfilling and financially supportive.

And here I am, 6 months later, stronger, happier, healthier, abundant, moving home and on the cusp of major change that I can’t tell you about just yet but I’ll share as soon as I can.

So much of the place I find myself in as I write to you today is thanks to the shifts that have happened during the last 2 eclipse seasons

They cleared away the debris of my old life, helped me grieve and release my relationship that ended last year, showed me that there’s a different way to live and work and opened me up to the possibility of manifesting something that would give me exactly what I need as I embark on the next phase of my wonderful life. More on that soon, I promise!

Astrology is a vast subject, open to mythological, archetypal and symbolic interpretation as well as the laws of mathematical probability, and a myriad of theories exist on eclipses and how to navigate and work with them, or not.

But there’s one thing most astrologers agree on….eclipses bring change.

Sometimes the change is subtle and slow burning, unfolding over the coming weeks and months, often until the next eclipse season. Sometimes they have the blunt force of a sledgehammer, like the Total Solar Eclipse on 8th April that initiated the collective purge I mentioned earlier, leaving you in no doubt that something big’s just happened.

My advice, as always…don’t fear the eclipse. Or the retrograde. Or any other astrological goings on.

The universe, God, Goddess, source, spirit…whatever you believe in that’s higher and greater than us only ever seeks to align us with our intended path and when we’ve become misdirected or lost it always nudges us back in the right direction.

Think of eclipses and their sometimes (oftentimes) unpredictable nature as an opportunity to course correct

Rather than seeing them as an obstacle or calamity to be endured and suffered through can you view them as chance to shed the old and embrace something new? As with everything in life we get to choose our thoughts, and as we know our thoughts become our reality.

If you decide to get your knickers in a twist and see eclipse season as a problem then guess what you’ll get…a problem.

If, however, you decide to open yourself to the vast ocean of potential that exists beyond fear then something wonderful might just happen. In fact, based on my recent lived experience I think it’s highly likely that it will.

To give you a helping hand, here’s my top tips on how to work with the coming energies and any future cosmic conundrums



Don’t wait until you feel like you’re wading through treacle to decide to use the energy for healing and transformation, make the choice NOW!


If you don’t already have one start a daily yoga, meditation, breathwork or grounding practice so you’ve got some tools to help you navigate any intensity.

✨If you’re local to SW London and Surrey come and join me for a yoga class, here’s my weekly YOGA SCHEDULE

✨ On Friday 27th September I’m leading an Eclipse Season Flow at Align Studio, Hampton Hill, JOIN THE WAITLIST HERE


Write down your thoughts, feelings and reactions. If you don’t enjoy writing you can draw, doodle or make voicenotes, do whatever works for you. Recording your experiences is a powerful tool for observing patterns and limiting beliefs and helps you begin to unpick and replace them with something more expansive and growth-oriented.


SO much easier said than done I know, but being a bitch rarely solves anything (as tempting as it can be at the time) and if you’ve done the other steps it’ll be easier to stay in a high-vibe space. Plus, you never know who’s day you might make better just by being your sweet self.

And most importantly…


Boooo :(

I hear you - I love a good old Moon ritual as much as the next witch, but eclipse energy is unstable and unpredictable so be safe rather than sorry. Do your meditation, yoga, breathing and grounding practices but leave the spellwork until the Full Moon in Aries on Thursday 17th October.

At 03:44 on Wednesday 18th September the last eclipse season of 2024 begins with a partial Lunar Eclipse

It’s also a Super Moon as luna will be closer to earth on the ecliptic (the path of orbit) than she sometimes is

The themes of this eclipse will give us a glimpse of the bigger arcs that will play out in our lives when the lunar nodes, fixed mathematical points in the sky where the Sun and Moon cross paths and create an eclipse, shift onto the Pisces/Virgo axis on 28th January 2025.

The nodes have been in Aries/Libra since 17th July 2023 highlighting collective themes of self vs self plus other

We’ve been asked to be more independent, self-reliant, assertive, confident and to retain our sense of self in our relationships (ALL the Aries qualities!) and let go of people-pleasing, co-dependency, superficiality, indecision and staying in relationships for the sake of it (hello Libra!).

With the shift to Pisces/Virgo early next year we’re being asked to…

embrace faith, trust, belief in a higher power, deeper spirituality, unconditional love for self and others, creativity, compassion, inclusivity, a sense of interconnectedness

and leave behind…

over-analysing, over-thinking, perfectionism and stifling practicality, judgement of self and others, the need to be right and do things the ‘right’ way, the need to know and control outcomes.

The final eclipse of 2024 will be on Wednesday 2nd October

An annual Solar Eclipse on the New Moon in Libra it closes out the current cycle of eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis.

What have you learned about yourself and how you show up in your relationships in the past 18 months? I’d love to hear from you if you feel called to share.

So how might the Lunar Eclipse and the nodal shift into Pisces/Virgo affect each of the 12 zodiac signs?

Read your Sun (and Rising sign if you know it)

and also if you know it, the the house that’s ruled by Pisces in your birth chart

If you’d like to get to know yourself on a deeper level with a personalised birth chart + soul path reading click here.


12th house - long overdue endings, letting go, revisiting the past so you can move forward, healing from working with the subconscious and dreams, past lives, addiction, delusion and where we self-sabotage


11th house - friendships, groups or organisations you’re connected to or would like to call in, networks and networking, the greater good, social justice, civil rights, hopes and aspirations for the future


10th house - career, outward success and where you can reach your ‘peak’, public status and reputation, goals, authorities and relationship to parents, notably the father/grandfather


9th house - beliefs, higher learning, religion, the search for truth through the law/legal system or the search for our personal truth, freedom, travel (especially long distance) and expanding our physical, mental and spiritual horizons

LEO ♌️

8th house - life, death, rebirth and transformation, our relationship to sex and intimacy, inheritances, investments, taxes, shared resources, debts, loans, the occult, taboo, magic, obsession and what lies beneath


7th house - relationships, partnerships, close friends, significant others, competitors, collaborations, self + other, co-dependency, enmeshment, reliance on others


6th house - your job/work and work enviornment, health regimes, daily routines, personal diet and how you support your overall health and well-being, pets


5th house - romance, playfulness, creativity, joy and the ways you find/express it, the people you love and that love you, children, doing something simply for the fun of it, where you ‘shine’


4th house - home, moving home, family and family members, parents, notably the mother/grandmother, early childhood memories, your homeland, our roots and foundation, the past, how we find safety within ourselves


3rd house - communication, what and who you know, see, hear and understand, our mental processes, connections especially in the field of commerce, neighbours and neighbourhood, siblings, cars and short-distance travel


2nd house - our values and priorities, what we value in and how we feel valued by others, our gifts and talents and how we use/earn money from them, balancing your own needs with those of another, how we earn money, our possessions and what belongs to us


1st house - the self, our path through life, self-direction, self-image, self-development, self-awareness, how others see/perceive us, how we assert ourselves, independence, self-confidence

Don’t forget to read your Sun and Rising signs and also the house that’s ruled by Pisces in your birth chart (if you know it)

Amanda BroughComment