In like a lion and out like a lamb?
Astrological insights for a month of gentle beginnings and roaring endings
There’s an old saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
This year, not so much!
On the Spring Equinox, Wednesday 20th March, things start hotting up!
The Equinox is the start of Aries season, a cardinal fire sign and the first of the Zodiac archetypes, with it’s headstrong, initiatory energy and a whole new astrolgical year. Ruled by Mars, God of War and planet of action, passion, energy, drive, determination Aries is a distinctly different feel to watery Pisces, like drinking a double espresso with a flaming shot of Red Bull on the side.
And then there’s a South Node Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon in Libra on Monday 25th May.
South Node eclipses are about letting go, and being in Libra, the sign of relationships, March’s eclipse is asking us to release people pleasing, co-dependency, indecision, superficiality and relying on others to validate us.
A bit like buses, eclipses always come in pairs and the corresponding North Node Total Solar Eclipse is happening on Monday 8th April, more on that in next month’s article.
Think of late March as a baptism of fire into the new astrological year.
Much more lion than lamb!
I’m leading a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Flow at Align Studio, Hampton Hill on Sunday 25th March, you can find out more here.
Read on for Eclipse Basics or find out more about the Lunar Nodes, Eclipse Pairs and our collective destiny here.
However, it's essential to remember that eclipses are NOT recommended for spiritual work or rituals. Eclipse energy is considered to be unstable, often bringing unexpected twists and turns. Think of them as power outages as the usual flow of light and energy to and from the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) is disrupted and everything feels temporarily distorted.
The best way to honour them is to do some gentle yoga, breathwork and meditation, allowing the energy to wash over you and observing any intuitive insights that emerge.