Saturn in Pisces - Form + Flow

Grand Malefactor, Lord of Karma and possibly the most iconic and mesmerising of the planets in our solar system, Saturn made a once in 30 year move into Pisces yesterday.

Taking a leisurely 29.5 years to orbit the Sun, the last time Saturn (rules, restrictions, limitation and boundaries) changed signs was back in March 2020 when he moved into Aquarius (freedom and people/society).  You may recall (as if we could forget) we were about to enter a global pandemic and lockdown - the very definition of restriction and limitation of the freedom of the people.

One of the transpersonal planets along with fellow gas giant Jupiter (faith, beliefs + expansion), law and order loving Saturn’s energy is felt primarily by the collective. Wedged in between the inner/personal planets - Sun, Moon aka The Luminaries, Mercury, Venus and Mars - which have a direct influence on our day to day lives, and the outers - ice giants Uranus and Neptune and dwarf planet Pluto (also about to make a once in a 250 years move, more on that in a separate blog) that affect us generationally. The transpersonal planets bridge the gap between the two.

Collectively and globally it could mean water shortages and restrictions on how much water we can use due to environmental factors like droughts, floods (especially if expansive Jupiter joins the party) or even extreme cold.  We rely on earth (Saturn) and water (Pisces) for our survival and fertile crops so we may see changes in agriculture and possibly even food shortages.

There could be legislation to protect our water supply or punishment for those that misuse it (sticking to the rules is SO Saturnian!) and an increase in laws to preserve our oceans and waterways - isn't it interesting that the UN signed a treaty to protect the oceans just 3 days before Saturn prepared to make his watery move?

Sadly here in the UK our government has just deregulated water pollution in our rivers and shamefully seeks to impose the harshest of restrictions on our land borders, lest any more small boats bring those in need to our shores. This is Saturn in Pisces, known for deep compassion and empathy, at it’s very worst.

If Pisces invites us to imagine, dream and fantasise about our best life, Saturn demands we fix it by finding sensible, grown-up solutions to what’s not working.

Old Father Time’s residence for the next 3 years is Pisces, the sign of compassion, spirituality, mysticism, imagination and the arts. The phrase ‘never the twain shall meet’ springs to mind! Earth sign Saturn wants boundaries, rules pragmatism and reality, watery Pisces is boundless, fluid, emotional and profoundly spiritual.

My favourite astrologer Gahl Sasson calls Saturn “the celestial party-pooper” with a “stick-but-no-carrot style of teaching”.

Much like Hindu Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed remover of obstacles, the Ringed Planet leaves us no option but to take radical responsibility by facing the challenges and learning the lessons we need to grow and mature. Pisces’ compassionate energy will provide a soothing balm here, but watch out for delusion and avoidance which will only serve to prolong the process.

Anywhere you’re experiencing blocks, resistance and limitation is where you need to focus your attention and get serious! Saturn’s link to old age and death means the area of your life that he’s triggering is due an upgrade or needs restructuring. If you’ve recently been through your Saturn Return, between the ages of 28- 30 or 56-60 you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

Astrologically Saturn represents the father and old age - his lessons are like a dose of tough love from an elder. In Pisces this becomes lessons from a wise old mystic if we can allow ourselves to surrender and acquiesce.

Form + Flow

Saturn in Pisces through the signs

My personal keyword for Saturn in Pisces is Form + Flow.

Saturn loves boundaries, Pisces is boundless - time for compromise! Form + flow feels like the sweet spot between hard taskmaster and sensitive dreamer. When we merge the material and the spiritual, as we’re being asked to do for the next 3 years, we become aligned, powerful and fully on purpose.

Here’s my suggestions for how each sign can create form + flow…

  • Aries - Saturn is setting up home in your 12th house of letting go, endings, confinement, the shadows and hidden strengths. You’ll be asked to look deep inside, release any attachments from the past and reinvent yourself. A new path is calling but you need to excavate the old foundations first, slow down Aries, as hard as that is for you, take the lessons and let go!

  • Taurus - Your 11th house of friends, communities, technology and aspirations is in Saturn’s sights for the next 3 years. Lovingly remove anyone from your life that doesn’t fit any more and find the tribe that lifts you up, supports your future vision and can help bring forward a new reality. Call in collaborators, innovators and hype-men to be your new herd!

  • Gemini - The 10th house of Career and success is where you’ll feel Old Father Time’s presence until 2026. Naturally scattered and more accustomed to thinking (and talking) than doing, Gemini must use Saturn’s discipline, endurance and love of structure to finally sit down and write those books and long term business plans they’ve spent years learning (and talking) about!

  • Cancer - You’re being asked to walk the talk, expand your horizons and get out of your comfort zone! Saturn will be in your 9th house of beliefs, higher learning, truth and travel, in preparation for a spin round your house of career and success in 3 years time. Any work you do on your philosophies and personal growth in the meantime will reap untold rewards. I know you love home Cancer, but sometimes you need to get out in the big wide world and that time is now!

  • Leo - Your 8th house of sex, death and transformation is coming under Saturn’s scrutiny. Connect with your passions, the more weird, wonderful and occult the better and allow a brave new version of yourself to rise Phoenix like from the ashes. Pay close attention to collaborations and joint ventures, particularly financial or creative as they can be very beneficial at this time. Let the alchemy begin!

  • Virgo - Coming under the spotlight is your 7th house of relationships, partnerships and significant others. Release old patterns that prevent you from experiencing balanced, harmonious relationships and put firm loving boundaries in place to allow your interpersonal and professional partnerships to flourish. And don’t worry so much you love doing things the right way Virgo, this is totally in your wheelhouse!

  • Libra - Work, health and your day to day routines are about to get an overhaul. Restructure, rectify and reschedule your 6th house as necessary and pay close attention to how you manage your time and daily commitments. By firming up the foundations of your life you’ll find the balance, beauty and fulfilment you crave!

  • Scorpio - Saturn is asking you to focus on your 5th house themes of love, joy, creativity and children. Question where you hold yourself back from true happiness. Surround yourself with the people you love, do the things that light you up, especially if they’re creative and approach it all with childlike wonder and curiosity. Go ahead, enjoy yourself Scorpions!

  • Sagittarius - Your 4th house of home and family is where this transit’s at for you. Slow down, settle down, do home improvements, change where and who you live with if necessary - downsizing to be near water would be super Saturn in Pisces! Create a sense of home and safety within yourself and surround yourself with people who feel like family. Drop anyone that doesn’t like a hot cake!

  • Capricorn - Time to overhaul your 3rd house and how you communicate. Learn a new language or marketing skills to expand your business, challenge your mind and start writing your memoir. By 2026 your words will carry great power and help you scale the heights you seek so use this transit well. Saturn is your ruling planet, so this may feel like the perfect excuse to be even more ambitious and strategic than you already are!

  • Aquarius - Your talents, gifts and self-worth are getting a Saturnian makeover. It’s time to invest in your innate gifts and resources, up-level your skills and learn some new ones as there’s tremendous potential in this timeframe to change how you make money, or increase the amount you earn. Don’t be afraid to let go of anything or anyone who’s values don’t align with yours. Become your weirdest, most rebellious self and watch your currency sky-rocket!

  • Pisces - Saturn in your domicile for 3 years will overhaul your 1st house of the self, body image, life path. This is a big transformation that will dramatically change not only your perception of yourself, but how others perceive you too. You’re being asked to be disciplined, mature and boundaried and let go of anything or anyone that derails you, especially your addictive tendencies! Stay present, dream big and remain focused on where you want to go Pisces, the world is your oyster!

The last time Saturn was in Pisces was 1993-1996, so cast your mind back to what was happening in your life back then as there’ll be clues as to what you’re likely to experience this time round. For me it’s happening in my house of career and outward success. I was 23 in 1993 embarking on a new and wonderful career in event management (form) and beginning to find my path (flow). 30 years later and here I am launching a psychic (flow) events business (form), so the parallels are obvious and I’m incredibly excited.

Don’t forget this is a 3 year transit, Saturn likes to do things slowly and properly, so take your time, savour the process and remember that small changes in one are of life have a knock on effect elsewhere. By using this time wisely you can and will make sweeping changes across other areas of your life.

If you want to know where Saturn is going next for you, take a look at the sign before yours - using me as an example I’m a Gemini with my 10th house highlighted in this current transit, so next time it’s moving into my 11th house, which is where Taurus are currently experiencing it.

The Tarot card of Saturn in Pisces

is Eight of Cups. Traditionally Cups is the suit of emotions, and 8’s are about taking action, so this card is all about how we let go and move on.

It often pops up in readings around eclipse time, you can see the Sun and Moon about to cross paths, gazing down on the figure sadly leaving their current situation in search of a better life.

Sure there’s 8 cups standing proudly, which represent all that’s good, all that’s been worked hard for and carefully cultivated, but something’s missing, shown by the gap in the cups on the top row.

Saturn wants us to fill that gap with order, structure, routine, discipline, focus, rules, solutions and plans. He wants us to make grown up, long-term, carefully thought out and sometimes hard to make choices in service of our highest good,

There’s a sad feeling to this card, especially as all you can see in the distance are rocky mountains symbolising the challenges of the journey ahead. But if the top of the mountain (Saturn) also represents higher consciousness (Pisces) we’re really being shown that when we leave our comfort zone and face life’s challenges undaunted we’re on the path to wisdom, higher learning and spiritual growth.

And Saturn LOVES that!

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