Pluto in Aquarius - Power to the People

Pluto, the dark and mysterious Lord of The Underworld begins it’s move into Aquarius during 2023 and is a highly anticipated, once in a lifetime astrological event.

A generational planet in the outer reaches of the Solar System, Pluto’s energy primarily affects us collectively rather than individually, and has a long-lasting impact on society as a whole. When it changes signs roughly every 14-30 years (depending on it’s elliptical orbit) it marks a significant shift in the themes and energies that will shape our lives for the next several years.

Pluto’s residency in Aquarius started on 23rd March 2023 but it goes back and forth into Capricorn, tying up loose ends and addressing any unfinished business until 19th November 2024. When it finally settles it stays Aquarius until 8th March 2043 before moving into Pisces, the sign of mysticism, spirituality and dreams.

Pluto is the planet of power, transformation, the

hidden, unseen aspects of life and the depths of our psyche.

The slowest moving planet in the Solar System, taking approximately 248 years to orbit the sun, Pluto is unique and mysterious.

Located in the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune that's home to many icy objects, it’s orbit is eccentric and the planet itself is tilted on it’s side, making it unlike any other planet in our solar system.

It was named by an 11-year-old girl named Venetia Burney, who’s grandfather was an astronomer. She chose it because Pluto was the god of the underworld in Roman mythology, and the mysterious nature of the planet's discovery (they’d been looking for it for years) and irregular orbit seemed to fit with this association.

Aquarius is the sign of innovation, revolution, social justice and progressive thinking. It values individuality, humanitarianism and freedom.

In Tarot The Star is associated with Aquarius and speaks of hope, purification, inspiration, and healing. It represents a moment of renewal and spiritual transformation, where the individual is given a glimpse of their true purpose and potential. It invites us to be true to ourselves, embrace our uniqueness and trust that we’re divinely guided.

The Star is often associated with social justice movements and activism, as well as with technological innovation and the advancement of science. It asks us to believe in a shared vision for a better future and work towards creating a more just and equitable world.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus known for its association with social and political movements that seek to challenge the existing power structures and bring about greater equality and freedom for all.

This is similar Pluto's transformative energy that brings about social change and revolution, as it challenges the existing power structures and allows us to break free from old ways of thinking and behaving.

Therefore, through the lens of Tarot, Pluto in Aquarius urges us to embrace change and new possibilities for individual and collective growth, evolution and the betterment of humanity as a whole.

Aquarius is a sign that also values progress and forward-thinking, so we may see advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, space travel, and renewable energy.

The name ‘Pluto’ comes from the Greek word ‘ploutos’ meaning ‘wealth’, reflecting its association with precious metals and gems believed to come from beneath the earth. We can expect to see a shift away from fossil fuels (Pluto) to innovative, renewable and sustainable energy that reduces our impact on the environment (SO Aquarian!) between now and 2044.

During Pluto’s last transit through Aquarius from 1777 to 1798 the French Revolution took place.

It was marked by violent uprisings, such as the storming of the Bastille and the Reign of Terror in which thousands of people were executed. Many prominent figures such as King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and Maximilien Robespierre were sent to the infamous guillotine.

Fast forward to the present day, and France is again experiencing social and political unrest with violent protests erupting across the country in response to Macron's proposed pension reforms. During March 2023 more than 1 million people took to the streets of France leading to the cancellation of King Charles’ state visit. Given what happened to the monarchy the last time Pluto was in Aquarius who can blame him for not going!

The American Revolution, which led to the founding of the United States also took place the last time Pluto was in Aquarius and the Industrial Revolution was also underway, transforming the way we lived and worked. In Europe, the Enlightenment movement, which emphasised reason and individualism was gaining momentum as well as the idea of democracy as a form of government.

Pluto's entry into Capricorn back in 2008 marked a time of transformation in the financial sector, leading to the global financial crisis. Now, as Pluto leaves Capricorn again, Credit Suisse faces a $5.5 billion loss from the collapse of Archegos Capital, while Silicon Valley Bank grapples with issues related to tech industry lending practices (tech is uber Aquarian). The financial sector, in particular is being forced to undergo changes and face the consequences of unchecked power (Pluto gone wrong) and unethical practices (Aquarius gone wrong).

Pluto's transit through Aquarius is likely to be a significant time for the collective, but it will also impact us individually.

Aquarius is a sign that revels in it’s individuality and uniqueness. Pluto's transformative energy can help us tap into our own inner power and authenticity - it’s time to let go of the old you and become the weirdest, coolest, kookiest version of yourself!

In Tarot the card that corresponds to Pluto is Judgement. It depicts an almost biblical scene, reminiscent of the Ressurection of Christ with a trumpet blowing angel calling forth the dead to rise from their graves. It symbolises the awakening of the soul, the call to take responsibility for one's actions and themes of rebirth, renewal and transformation.

The Judgement card is a powerful symbol of hope and renewal which are also key themes of The Star, the card of Aquarius. It suggests that the time has come for a new phase in life, one in which the individual can step into their power, be unashamedly themselves and take control of their destiny.

What it means for each of the signs...

Aries - find a new friendship group, create shared vision and make a positive impact on the world as your house of social groups and hopes for the future come under Pluto’s scrutiny

Taurus - your career and professional life will undergo a thorough transformation, perhaps redirecting you to a soul-led vocation that contributes to the betterment of society

Gemini - Pluto will be skulking through your house of spirituality, philosophy and higher learning bringing a deep and thorough overhaul of your beliefs, values, worldview and opportunities for travel

Cancer -psychological growth, a deepening of your intimate relationships and how you view and utilise shared resources and assets are likely as as your house of sex, death and other people’s money gets the Pluto treatment

Leo - this transit brings healing and transformation in relationship and partnership dynamics with a focus on unconventional and innovative arrangements, as well as a need for greater authenticity and intimacy

Virgo - during this Pluto transit you’re being asked to approach work, health, and daily routines with innovative and forward-thinking approaches, confronting any power dynamics or issues of control at work

Libra - Pluto helps you seek new and unusual ways to explore love, creativity and self-expression with emotional transformations around children, changes in parenting style and inner child healing

Scorpio - unorthodox living situations and family dynamics are possible as your house of home, family, and emotional foundations gets a deep dive, you may even find yourself upgrading your home technology

Sagittarius - it's a time to expand your mental horizons, cultivate new and radical mindset while immersing yourself in technology, social media and AI as Pluto transits your house of communication and learning

Capricorn - your personal values, self-worth and financial priorities get a deep clean, moving you towards a more visionary perspective of yourself and how your gifts and talents can be of service to society

Aquarius - this is a particularly important transit for you, as Pluto transforms your sense of self, your physical identity and life path - it’s time for a radical makeover of all aspects of yourself as you lead the charge into a new collective reality

Pisces - by adopting new and alternative forms of meditation, healing and self-discovery Pluto bringing the hidden parts of yourself to the surface for transformation, spiritual growth and evolution

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