We have Lift Off...it's Gemini Season!

From 21st May to 20th June

the Sun is in the astrological sign of Gemini, the chattiest and much maligned sign of the Zodiac.

Newspaper, magazine and online horoscopes often use ‘star sign’ instead of ‘sun sign’ which isn’t factually incorrect, the Sun IS a star, but ‘Sun’ is the official name. As it’s not a planet, it’s referred to as a Luminary, along with the Moon.

In astrology our Sun sign represents the purest expression of ourself, which, when tapped into gives us a limitless supply of energy, vitality and enthusiasm. It’s who we are at our core.

Coming after the grounded, deliberate Fixed Earth Taurean energy lazily urging us to connect with nature and our bodies, Gemini’s inquisitive, shape-shifting Mutable Air is a distinct change of tempo!

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, lightning quick Messenger of the Gods

Mercury rules the mental realm, communication, commerce and short term travel with a mere 88 day orbit. It has an irregular orbit and three to four times a year stations retrograde (moving backwards in the sky) which makes it easy to see why Geminis are often referred to as being ‘mercurial’

Geminians (I’m not sure that’s even a word) at their core, are adaptable, intellectual articulate and versatile.

On a good day they’re witty, vivacious and fun to be around.

On a bad day they’re flaky, changeable and sarcastic. And if their hands are fidgeting they’re probably bored!

Those with their Sun or Rising sign in Gemini flourish in lighthearted, stimulating and intellectually challenging jobs, relationships or environments where they can talk, share ideas and embrace their mercurial, free-spirited nature.

If your Moon is in Gemini you may connect with others through talking and tend towards trying to rationalise or make sense of your feelings. Communication is your wheelhouse Lunar Gemini, so rather than endlessly ruminating on how you feel why not talk it out instead?

The glyph for Gemini which can be seen below, is two pillars joined at the top and bottom to represent duality and the Twins. Being two-faced is one of the top criticisms levelled at Geminis, as is their changeability…think of it as two personalities (as a bare minimum) in one body! We see this in the Tarot inThe Lovers, the card

What does your Sun sign say about you?

Gemini’s keyword is I THINK and their principle is to CONNECT + COMMUNICATE

Aries * I Am* To Pioneer + Compete

Taurus * I Own * To Be + To Have

Gemini * I Think * To Connect + Communicate

Cancer * I Feel * To Feel Safe + Belong

Leo * I Will * To Create + Lead

Virgo * I Serve * To Analyse + Make Useful

Libra * I Balance * To Harmonise + Discern

Scorpio * I Transform * To Evolve + Integrate

Sagittarius * I Believe * To Teach + Expand

Capricorn * I Work * To Take Responsibility +

Aquarius * I Know * Freedom + Equality *

Pisces * I Imagine * To Trust + Believe *

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