Gaining Momentum

The Cosmic Currents of January 2024

Astrologically, 2023 was the year of the retrograde, with 7 of the 9 planets in our solar system all retrograding (or to be precise, standing still) at the same time during the Summer.  They’re common occurences, all planets do it, but in 2024 they’re more spread out.  That’s not to say that there won’t be some challenging astrology this year, but it will manifest in a different way.

2024 kicks off in serious and sober Capricorn season (read all about it here) with recent retrograders Jupiter and Mercury going direct on 1st January. Mercury will still be in his shadow period until 20th, if you didn't catch last month's blog you can find out more about the most famous of all the retrogrades here. 

On 4th, Mars moves into Capricorn, a sign where the God of War and planet of action, energy and passion feels at home and operates well but I wouldn’t go rushing headlong into doing too much too soon.

However, the New Moon falls on Thursday 11th at 11:57 so this is a good time to start setting intentions for the year ahead. If you know which house Capricorn rules in your natal chart I recommend setting intentions based on that.

Continuing the theme of moving forwards the week of 13th to 19th has some wonderful energy that supports us in making longer term plans and looking at bigger projects. 

Then, on 20th January one of this (and last) year’s big astrological events is happening as Pluto, Lord of the Underworld moves back into Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius

Astrology is like a jigsaw puzzle - we fit together the various pieces and create a bigger picture. When we put together the keyword for Pluto - POWER and the keyword for Aquarius - PEOPLE we begin to see the picture that may unfold between now and 2043 when he moves into mystical Pisces - POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

The last time this planetary transit happened was 1777-1798. The French and American Revolutions took place, the Industrial Revolution was underway, transforming the way we lived and worked and in Europe, the Enlightenment movement, which emphasised reason and individualism and democracy as a form of government was gaining popularity.

If you’d like to learn more about Pluto in Aquarius, the themes we can expect this time round and how it will affect each of the signs you can read the blog I wrote about it here.

On 20th January the Sun moves into individualistic Aquarius, the sign of technology, the future and innovation and we close the month with the Full Wolf Moon in Leo (the Full Moon always falls in the sign opposite the one where the Sun is) on 25th January.

Full Moon energy illuminates, energises and heightens our emotions as the lunar cycle reaches its peak. It's a potent time for creativity, inspiration and action but the energy can be intense and overwhelming, leaving us feeling scattered and fractious. 

I’d love you to join me on Sunday 28th January at 15:00 for a Full Moon Flow. These new monthly extended practices will draw on the energy of the current lunar and solar cycles, this case Aquarius and Leo, to help you release what you no longer need and leave you feeling refreshed, grounded and clear.

Book your space here.

If you have any questions about astrology please feel free to email me.

Amanda BroughComment