Change is in the air

February’s Cosmic Convergence

If 2023 was the year of retrogrades, 2024 is the year when the planets move en masse into the same sign and during February six planets including the Sun will be in Aquarius. This amount of planetary movement in a relatively short time can feel intense and as Aquarius is the fixed air sign connected to change and the future, we’re being urged to upgrade, innovate and do things differently in the area of our lives each of the planets rule.

Read more about quirky and socially responsible Aquarius here.

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld and planet of death, rebirth and power re-entered Aquarius on 20th January and is currently sitting at 0 degrees, the celestial equivalent of standing at the threshold of your new home.

Each planet that enters Aquarius will conjunct Pluto, meaning they’re incredibly close in proximity (at least in astrological terms) combining and amplifying their energies and potentially bring to light the shadow or darker aspects of each of the visiting planet’s qualities.

Find out about the social importance of Pluto in Aquarius here.

Here’s the timeline…

First to arrive on Monday 5th is Mercury, Messenger of the Gods and planet of communication, connections and commerce. He only sticks around for 18 days but we can use his fleeting visit to adopt a more progessive, inclusive and open-minded way of thinking and communicating. Beware of lies, gossip and fake news at the conjuction.

Luna arrives at 14:00 on Thursday 8th in time for the New Moon in Aquarius on Friday 8th at 22:58. As well as being the sign of the future, innovation and revolution Aquarius also rules society, groups, organisations and friendships so use this New Moon if you’d like to attract your tribe, especially if it contributes to the greater good of humanity in some way. If you know which house is ruled by Aquarius in your natal chart set intentions in that area of life too. As she passes Pluto we may experience deeply buried emotions coming to the surface or experience moments of intuition, revelation or release.

Call to action

Next to come knocking on Tuesday 13th (just in time for Valentine’s Day) is Mars, God of War, bringing his signature energy of action, passion, drive and determination until March 22nd.

Think of his 5 week transit as a call to action to get involved in community projects or global movements for change. When he meets Pluto take care not to be too aggressive, impulsive and avoid zealotry at all costs!.

Celestial counterbalance

As a celestial counterbalance to masculine Mars, Venus the Goddess of Peace, Balance, Love and Beauty glides gracefully in on Friday 16th, which appropriately enough is Venus’ special day of the week.

Until March 11th allow her feminine energy to shine a light on where our relationships and partnerships may be out of balance and how we can collaborate in ways that contribute to the greater good .

Her brief flirtation with Pluto may unearth people-pleasing, co-dependency or feelings of jealousy, lack and shame and although this may feel uncomfortable it’s a golden opportunity acknowledge, love and heal the parts of ourselves we believe aren’t good enough.

On Sunday 18th the Sun leaves Aquarius for dreamy and mystical waters of Pisces, the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac, signalling the closing weeks of the current astrological year.

The Full Snow Moon in Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces takes place on Saturday 24th February at 12:30 and represents the culmination and manifestation of the intentions set at the New Moon in Virgo on 14th September 2023. What was happening in your life then that might be coming to fruition now?

I’d love you to join me on Sunday 25th February at 15:00-16:30 for the Full Moon Flow at Align Studio in Hampton Hill TW12. These monthly extended practices will draw on the energy of the current lunar and solar cycles, in this case Pisces and Virgo, to help you release what you no longer need and leave you feeling refreshed, grounded and clear. Book your space here.

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